Combatting Disabilities with Outdoor Therapeutic Recreation
Conservationists for Persons with Disabilities is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with the mission of providing therapeutic outdoor recreational activities for disabled persons and their families with an emphasis on Law Enforcement Officers (LEO). The primary goals are to better the daily lives of LEOs and other members of society dealing with disabilities, strengthen bonds within disabled families, relieve the stress within their families and provide therapeutic outdoor recreational activities that would otherwise not be possible. These activities include hunting, fishing, trail riding, ATV riding, outdoor living, nature walks and boat tours. Conservationists for Persons with Disabilities utilizes tax deductible charitable contributions to purchase land and acquire recreational leases for outdoor activities.
These contributions are also used to purchase outdoor recreational equipment and to develop tailored access and equipment for use by disabled persons. |
According to the United States Census Bureau, 48 million people and their families live every day with a disability. About 3.8 million are veterans and other countless millions are law enforcement and first responders who all put their lives on the line to serve and protect others.
Often these heroes and families pay a grave cost for their service to our country and communities. It is a priority for Conservationist for Persons with Disabilities to provide our Nation’s heroes and their families the therapeutic experience only outdoor recreational activities can provide. |